Spa National School has an active Parents’ Association, comprising of all parents who have children enrolled in the school. The Parents’ Association is run by an elected committee who meet once every four to six weeks in term time. An annual General Meeting is held once a year and all parents are invited and encouraged to attend. The Association is active in the areas of school life and general representation of the interests of parents to the School Principal and Board of Management.
Our Parents’ Association works in partnership with the Principal, Board of Management and the whole school community for the benefit of the children in the school. We aim to represent the interests and views of all parents of children in the school and to enable parents to play an active part in school life and contribute to improving the school’s facilities for the benefit of the children.
We do our very best to support the day to day activities in the school as well as organising some fun events including Halloween Bake Sales Movie Nights, Easter Egg Hunt etc. We support seasonal activities like Christmas concerts, the sacramental ceremonies and fundraising initiatives. We work closely with the Principal in the development of key school policies and also assist with the book rental scheme, school garden and other educational and fun events for the children. The Parents Association always plays a central role in the hosting of the annual Donal Walsh Day.
The committee meets once a month to discuss upcoming issues and events. All parents are welcome to join the committee and can do so by coming along to a committee meeting.
The present Parents’ Association is always looking for more parents to get involved. The current officers are
Joint Chairpersons: Caroline Lyons & Jenny Galvin
Secretary: Jennifer Falvey
Treasurer: Patrice Lucid
If you would like to get involved please contact Rebecca, our school secretary on 066 7136618 and she will pass on the officers’ contact details to you!
Everyone is welcome