We in Spa National School are great believers in the importance of S.T.E.A.M. subjects in the modern world. S.T.E.A.M. stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics.
S.T.E.A.M. is important because it pervades every part of our lives. Science is everywhere in the world around us. Technology is continuously expanding into every aspect of our lives. Engineering is the basic designs of roads and bridges, but also tackles the challenges of changing global weather and environmentally-friendly changes to our home. Arts education enriches our lives in so many ways. Mathematics is in every occupation, every activity we do in our lives.
Every year in Spa N.S, staff work to provide innovative, fun, hands-on educational lessons, workshops and experiences in these subject areas. Some of our S.T.E.A.M. activities are as follows
- ‘Hands on’ weekly science lessons and experiments
- Participants in the Annual Primary Schools Young Scientist Programme.
- Active participants in the Discover Science programme over the past 10 years.
- Hosting of annual school science fairs.
- Regular visits and presentations from external S.T.E.A.M. experts.
- Participation in annual ‘Engineering Week’ activities
- Co operated teaching on projects with Tralee I.T.T., Tralee Bay Wetlands centre and Sea Synergy Marine Awareness Centre.
- School Involvement in Ireland ‘Greenwave’ survey.
- Co operated teaching on projects with Designer Minds
- Hosting of annual school Maths fair and participation in Maths week activities.
- ‘Visiting Artist’ Initiative.
- The annual ‘Donal Walsh Rocket Launching Competition.
- School excursions to local S.T.E.A.M centres and businesses.
- Spa N.S. ‘Hour of Code’ & ‘Scratch’ initiatives.
- Animation & ‘Legomation’ projects.
- Digital School of Distinction Award.
We feel that primary school students have a natural curiosity about the world in which they live. They have an innate fascination with what makes their world turn and how everyday things work. This, coupled with a limitless imagination, can lead them into an exciting world of discovery and learning. We hope that our efforts to highlight and promote S.T.E.A.M. subjects in Spa N.S. might inspire our students to love S.T.E.A.M. subjects and to become the future generation of Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Artists and Mathematicians!