
Spa N.S. places enormous value on the benefits to be derived from engaging in regular exercise and sporting activities. The school has a long and proud tradition of involvement in sports and physical education at all levels. The school delivers all strands of the primary school physical education curriculum and offers coaching and instruction in a wide variety of sports to encourage the children to pursue a more active and healthy lifestyle.

The school has continuously invested in a wide variety of sports equipment for use in lessons and clubs. Our wonderful facilities including a school hall, astro turf pitch, large tarmac yard, basketball court, large playing field, and close proximity to the local community hall allows us to cater for the P.E curriculum. Our school also has very close ties with a lot of local sporting clubs and M.T.U. Tralee and their Sports & Leisure department. In the past Undergraduates from the Sports and Leisure Degree course complete teaching practise modules in our school which ensures that our teachers and pupils are continuously exposed to best practice and up to date developments in children’s sport.

For younger pupils the emphasis in PE is on building up children’s agility, balance and co-ordination. The focus is on group games, dance and fundamental movement. Pupils work with different pieces of equipment including mats, benches, balls of varying sizes, hoops, bean bags and skipping ropes. This equipment is available to pupils at break times as well.

Our senior pupils are involved in various sporting activities including athletics, basketball, tag rugby, volleyball, gaelic football, soccer and hurling. Our senior pupils are given every opportunity to represent the school in inter school competitions. These pupils always take great pride in wearing the school jersey. Spa N.S. is also very proud of its many past pupils who have gone on to achieve great success in their sporting fields. The school year always concludes with a very busy Sports Day.

Gaelic Games:

Spa N.S. has a proud tradition in the promotion of our national games. We are very fortunate to have a very close working relationship with Pearse Brothers GAA club Churchill and we have full use of their facilities which are situated next to the school. Our students participate in all Cumann na mBunscol competitions. Our boys and girls football teams compete enthusiastically and have enjoyed great success in county competitions. Classes enjoy  regular coaching lessons with local GDA Lorcan Madden.

Spa N.S. was one of the first schools to participate in the South Kerry hurling initiative. Because of the growing popularity of the game, Spa N.S. has begun to field teams in Cumann na mBunscol hurling and camogie competitions in recent years and our players are loving every minute of it.


Basketball is a very popular sport in the school and our teachers coach basketball to the students in their P.E. lessons. The pupils learn the skills of the game in a fun environment and there is a real emphasis on participation and exercise with regard to these classes. The school also participates in the inter school blitzes organised by the local secondary schools. 


Volleyball was introduced to the school’s sporting calendar a number of years ago and the game has really grown in popularity since then. Our senior classes enter teams in the inter school competitions every year and they have had tremendous success. To date, our boys, girls and mixed teams have enjoyed success at county, provincial and at All Ireland levels. The beauty of volleyball is that every student likes to get involved and Spa N.S. has made many friends from other schools all over the country from competing in the competitions.

 Tag Rugby:

Tag rugby is another favourite in Spa N.S. Many of our students are active members of Tralee Rugby Club and we are delighted to have local coaches visit the school to help coach our classes. The students love the sessions as these lessons alway highlight the importance of agility, balance and teamwork in the lessons. The classes participate in the annual schools fun blitz in Tralee rugby club every year.


Soccer is the main game during break time in Spa N.S. with our pupils eager to show their latest skills. Our 6th class boys and girls have competed in the F.A.I. schools competitions for the past few years.  Again they have tasted success at county and provincial levels and provided us with so many memorable days out.

Olympic Handball:

Olympic Handball is a new addition to our games schedule and has become very popular with our classes. In recent years, students have started to compete successfully at provincial and all national level.


Spa N.S. is very proud of its long association with the Spa athletic club. Because so many of our students are active member of this local club, the school has enjoyed tremendous success at cross country and school athletics events.


Spa N.S. is delighted to be able to deliver its aquatics programme every year at the Banna Beach Leisure Centre. Students from 1st to 4th take part in a six week block of swimming lessons. It is another highlight of the school sporting calendar.

Celebrating success at the Kerry Schools Athletics Finals
Celebrating success at the Kerry Schools Athletics Finals
Our Girls team get ready for another game!
Our Girls team get ready for another game!
Our Boys take part in the County Soccer finals!
Our Boys take part in the County Soccer finals!
Great fun at our basketball workshops!
Great fun at our basketball workshops!
Cartwheels in Gymnastics
Cartwheels in Gymnastics
Reaching new heights in Active Schools Week!
Reaching new heights in Active Schools Week!